大湖名城 创新高地 An Innovative Lake City ——中国合肥欢迎您! Welcome to Hefei 这是一座巢湖岸边美丽的大湖名城,气候宜人、山水如画。 This is a famous city by the beautiful Chaohu Lake with a pleasant climate and picturesque scenery. 这是一座充溢着筑造梦想的创新高地,人才辈出、理想辉煌。 This is an innovation high ground full of encouraging dreams, talented people and inspirational ideas. 千年文明,湖光山色。 A charming place with a long history of civilization! 合肥,位于中国中部,处江淮之间,因东淝河、南淝河在此交汇而得名,并因隋唐明清时为庐州路、郡、府治所在而别称“庐州”。全国五大淡水湖之一的巢湖,偎依城市之中,这是中国城市版图绝无仅有的胜景。合肥现辖肥东、肥西、长丰、庐江4个县,1个县级巢湖市,瑶海、庐阳、蜀山、包河4个区和合肥高新技术产业开发区、合肥经济技术开发区、合肥新站综合开发试验区3个国家级开发区以及合肥巢湖经济开发区等14个省级开发区,市域总面积1.14万平方公里,常住人口761万人。 Hefei is located in the central region of China and between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers. Literally, Hefei means the converging place of two Fei rivers — one is the Dongfei River and the other the Nanfei River. The city is also known as Luzhou, for it used to be the government seat of Luzhou region, county and prefecture during the Sui, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties. Hefei is uniquely beautiful in that, it is the only city in the country where one of the five largest fresh water lakes, Chaohu, lies entirely within its boundary. Under the jurisdiction of Hefei, there are four counties—Feidong, Feixi, Changfeng and Lujiang, one sub-city—Chaohu and four urban districts—Yaohai, Luyang, Shushan and Baohe, as well as three national development zones—Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Hefei Economic and Technological Development Area and Hefei Xinzhan Comprehensive Development Pilot Zone, and 14 provincial development zones, with Chaohu Economic Development Zone included. The total area of Hefei is 11.400 square kilometers and its permanent population is 7.61 million. 合肥承东启西、连南接北,融入“长三角”、加盟“长江中游城市群”、衔接“中原经济区”,以其全国重要的区域性综合交通枢纽之地位,辐射半径500公里范围内7省1市、近102万平方公里、5亿人口。这一区域是中国经济实力最强、消费能力最强、发展活力最大的经济区域。 Geographically, Hefei stands at the crossroads of China and its economic factors easily interflow with those in the Yangtze River Delta. It is a member of the Yangtze River Delta Inter-City Economic Coordination Association and borders the Central Plains Economic Region. As a regional integrated transport hub of national importance, the city can extend its business easily to the seven provinces and Shanghai, all within a 500 km radius in an area of 1.02 million square kilometers with a population of 500 million, which is the most dynamic economic region with the strongest consumption power and the largest development potential in China.
生态合肥 山水相依串联万千美景 Hefei, an eco-friendly city, featuring mountains, waters and numerous scenic spots 合肥,是中国优秀旅游城市,以“包公故里”、“三国故地”、“科教基地”、“淮军摇篮”、“温泉之乡”、“环湖新城”名扬天下。 Hefei is known as an excellent national tourism city, the hometown of Lord Bao, an ancient battlefield in the Three Kingdoms period, a science and education base in China, the cradle of Huai Army in the Qing Dynasty, a town of hot springs and a young and vibrant city with a beautiful lake in the middle. 生态巢湖,水润合肥。 Chaohu Lake, nurturing Hefei with its eco-system 合肥,是中国唯一环抱五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省会城市。800里巢湖烟波浩淼,湖光、奇花、温泉、溶洞被称之为“四绝”,银鱼、白米虾和大闸蟹被誉为“三珍”;半汤温泉是中国四大古温泉之一,富含30多种活性元素;素有“温泉之乡、风情小镇”之称的庐江县汤池温泉则享有“华东第一泉”的美誉,4A级金孔雀温泉旅游度假村已逐步成为华东著名的旅游度假疗养胜地。 Hefei is the only provincial capital city that encompasses one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China. Around the 800-square-kilometer Chaohu Lake, lakeside views, rare flowers, hot springs and karst caves are counted as the four kinds of unique attractions; Whitebait, white shrimp and hairy crab are acclaimed as the three delicious local specialties; Bantang Hot Spring, rich in 30-plus kinds of active elements, has long been regarded as one of the four major spa resorts since the ancient times in China; Tangchi Hot Spring in the town of the same name that is reputed for its hot springs and country sceneries in Lujiang County enjoys a celebrated reputation as No. 1 hot spring in East China. For holidaymakers, the AAAA-rated Golden Peacock Spa is now in East China a health and rehabilitation resort that is gaining more and more popularity. 合肥,群山相拥,层峦叠翠,是首批3个“国家园林城市”之一,两次荣膺“中国人居环境示范奖”。 Hefei is prominent for its afforestation efforts. It lives up to the recognition as one of the first three National Garden Cities and it is a twice winner of the China Livable Environment Demonstration Award. 合肥以“园在城中、城在园中”而独负盛名。 Hefei is also known for its distinctive urban pattern of harmonious integration of street blocks and various garden-like parks. 国家级滨湖湿地森林公园,包河区牛角大圩生态旅游区,蜀山区四季花海、北部生态长廊,肥西官亭万亩生态园等一个个生态园区,在史无前例的造林绿化进程中,嵌入合肥美丽版图。历时3年,合肥完成造林绿化近80万亩,阔步向着国家森林城市行列迈进。 In the unprecedented afforestation and tree-planting campaign, the city has witnessed eco-parks built one after another on its land, such as Binhu National Wetland Forest Park, Niujiao Dawei Ecotourism Area of Baohe District, Four-season Flower Sea of Shushan District, the Northern Ecological Corridor and Guanting Wanmu Ecological Park (covering 10,000 mu in area) in Feixi County. In a period of three years, Hefei completed afforestation over nearly 800,000 mu, pushing itself closer to the echelon of national forest cities. 合肥,是中国生态旅游城市,坐拥国家重点风景名胜区巢湖风景名胜区。包公文化园、三河古镇、徽园、金孔雀温泉旅游度假村等18个国家级4A景区在合肥风光旖旎、人文底蕴深厚。 Hefei is a city reputed for ecotourism in China and it boasts a national key scenic attraction — Chaohu Lake Scenic Area. Eighteen AAAA national tourist attractions like Lord Bao Cultural Park, the ancient Sanhe Town, Hui Garden and the Golden Peacock Spa Resort have added more color to the beautiful landscape and enriched human and cultural elements to the inherited civilization.
魅力合肥 徽风和韵兼容八方风情 Hefei, a charming city, characteristic of Anhui style integrated with various regional features 合肥,自秦置县,有2200年悠久历史;原巢湖市划入合肥后,源远流长的中华人文始祖之一有巢氏文化,又将合肥文化历史拉长至5000多年。 Hefei has a long history of over 2,200 years since it was made a county seat in the Qin Dynasty. Since the administrative division adjustment when the former Chaohu City was incorporated into Hefei, the culture of Youchao, one of the sources of Chinese nation and civilization initiated by our farthest forefathers who perched in nests at night, has made the history of Hefei traceable to more than 5,000 years ago. 三国时期,魏吴交兵长达32年之久,在合肥留下了逍遥津、教弩台、三国新城等众多历史遗迹。1949年合肥解放,同年2月建市。 During the Three Kingdoms period, Wei Kingdom and Wu Kingdom fought here for 32 years, leaving Hefei many historic sites, such as Xiaoyaojin (a ferry named leisure), Jiaonutai (a crossbowmen training terrace) and Sanguo Xincheng (an ancient garrison of the Wei Kingdom). Hefei was liberated in 1949 and was made a city in February the same year. 合肥“为皖之中”,1952年成为安徽省省会。 As “Hefei is in the center of Anhui”, it was made provincial capital of Anhui in 1952. 合肥人杰地灵,名城辈出名人。三国名将周瑜,唐末诸侯吴王杨行密,宋代清官包拯,晚清重臣李鸿章,首任台湾巡抚刘铭传,著名将军冯玉祥、张治中、李克农,世界著名科学家杨振宁等均出自合肥。 Hefei is an auspicious place that has produced many talented people in history. Famous and influential figures born here include: Zhou Yu(175-210), an illustrious general in the Three Kingdoms period; Yang Xingmi (852―905), king of the Wu State, a vassal state in the late Tang Dynasty, Bao Zheng (999-1062), an upright judge in the Song Dynasty, Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), a leading personage of the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty, Liu Mingchuan (1836-1896), the first governor of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, Feng Yuxiang (1882-1948), Zhang Zhizhong (1890-1969) and Li Kenong (1899-1962), three famed generals in modern times and Dr. Chen Ning Yang, who is a world famous scientist and Nobel laureate. 合肥,“君子之城、道德之都”,“中国好人”数量居全国省会城市首位。 Hefei is hailed as “a moral city of virtuous people", for it ranks first among all the provincial capitals in terms of the number of “Chinese Good Samaritans”. 周瑜墓、包公祠、李鸿章故居、刘铭传故居、杨振宁故居等历史景观,串联起城市绵延千年的记忆。今天,渡江战役纪念馆、安徽名人馆、合肥大剧院、滨湖国际会展中心、塘西河水街、世博安徽馆、中国(合肥)非遗园和安徽省博物馆等一批标志性文化设施的建成开放,又成为中外客人钟情眷顾所在。 The tomb of Zhou Yu, the memorial temple for Lord Bao, the former residences of Li Hongzhang, Liu Mingchuan and Chen Ning Yang, and many other historic sites link the memory of the city through thousands of years. With the completion and opening to the public of the Yangtze-crossing Campaign Memorial Museum, Anhui Hall of Fame, Hefei Grand Theatre, Binhu International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tangxi River Street, World Expo Anhui Pavilion, China (Hefei) Intangible Cultural Heritage Park, Anhui Provincial Museum and many landmarks of cultural facilities, Hefei has become an appealing destination for tourists both from home and abroad. 合肥,文化鼎盛。韵味悠长的庐剧、巢湖民歌,是合肥独特的文化符号。 Hefei basks in profound cultural prosperity. Luju Opera, a traditional local opera known for its lasting tune in melody, and Chaohu folk songs are the distinctive cultural symbols of Hefei. 合肥,美食荟萃。麻饼、烘糕、寸金、白切为合肥传统的“四大名点”,历千年而不衰;曹操鸡、包公鱼、庐州烤鸭、吴山贡鹅、李鸿章大杂烩等传统名菜回味绵长;庐江的小红头、肥西三河的米饺、长丰下塘的烧饼、肥东的狮子头,各地均有美食;遍布食肆的小龙虾则成就合肥“中国淡水龙虾之都”的地位;合肥市内,南京1912、罍街、万达美食广场、星巴克、俏江南、马克西姆等丰富多元的中外美食融合,让每个来到合肥的人,都能真切感受到“舌尖上的合肥”。点心 Hefei is a paradise for gourmets. Mabing, Honggao, Cunjin and Baiqie are the four traditional local pastries popular over hundreds of years; Caocao Chicken, Baogong Fish, Luzhou Roasted Duck, Wushan Imperial Goose and Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch are the time-honored signature dishes; Lujiang has Xiaohongtou stuffed bun, Sanhe has rice dumpling, Xiatang baked cake and Feidong giant meat ball, to name but a few of the specialties at different localities of the city; cooked crayfish that you can find in almost all the eating places has earned Hefei the title “the city of crayfish in China”; the urban area shows a kind of mixture of various elements of Chinese and Western foods, represented by Nanjing 1912, Leijie Stalls, Wanda Food Plaza, Starbucks, South Beauty, and Maxim’s. It is evident that everyone can really have a bite of Hefei when he or she visits the city.
枢纽合肥 通江达海连通东西南北 Hefei, a hub city, leading to the Yangtze and coastal regions and easily accessible from all directions 合肥区位优越,是全国重要的区域性综合交通枢纽。 As a regional integrated transport hub of national importance, Hefei enjoys location advantage. 合肥已成全省公路交通中心,与合肥经济圈各城间的“1小时通勤圈”呼之欲出;6条铁路、7条高速公路(合宁、合徐、合巢芜、合安、合铜黄、合六叶、合淮阜)在合肥交汇,实现1小时内到南京,2小时45分钟到上海,2小时22分钟到武汉,4小时到北京;年吞吐能力1200万人次的4E级新桥国际机场,有直达香港、澳门、台湾,韩国、新加坡、日本、德国的航班,到北京、上海、广州、重庆等城市的航程均不超过一个半小时;合肥水运通过巢湖直通长江,合肥新港1500吨级货船可通江达海……合肥海关已与长江三角洲地区实行了区域一体化通关。 Now the city is the highway transportation center in the province, and a “one-hour commuting radius" highway network in the Hefei Economic Sphere among the cities is ready to appear. Six railways and seven highways (Hefei-Nanjing, Hefei-Xuzhou, Hefei-Chaohu-Wuhu, Hefei-Anqing, Hefei-Tongling-Huangshan, Hefei-Lu’an-Yeji and Hefei-Huainan-Fuyang) intersect in Hefei. By high-speed railways, one can reach Nanjing in one hour, Shanghai two hours and forty-five minutes, Wuhan two hours and twenty-two minutes and Beijing four hours. Direct flights are served to Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, ROK, Japan and Germany from Xinqiao Airport International, which is a 4-E rated airport with an annual handling capacity of 12 million passengers, and the flying time from the airport to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou or Chongqing is no more than an hour and a half. The waterway of Hefei leads to the Yangtze through Chaohu Lake, and 1,500-ton cargo ships can sail from Hefei Xingang Port to the cities along the Yangtze and in coastal regions... Hefei is authorized to accomplish regional integrated cargo clearance with customs houses of the cities in the Yangtze River Delta. 市内交通方面,合肥先后建成9大高架,地铁1、2号线分别将在2016年底和2017年上半年实现通车,而到2020年,合肥将建设5条轨道交通线,初步奠定全市轨道交通网络。 For better urban transport, Hefei has built nine elevated highways successively. The subway line No.1 and No. 2 will be operational by the end of 2016 and in the first half of 2017 respectively and, by 2020, Hefei will have built five rail transit lines that will be the basic foundation for rail transit network of the city in the future.
智慧合肥 先行先试的创新DNA Hefei, a smart city, with pioneering and innovative DNA 先行先试,创新元素在合肥无所不在。 That Hefei could take the lead in exploring new things is because the omnipresent atmosphere of innovation. 合肥诞生了世界上第一台DVD和仿生洗衣机、全球首个城域量子通信试验示范网、中国第一台空调、第一辆微型汽车、第一台微型计算机、第一条纯电动公交线路……合肥是世界科技城市联盟(WTA)会员城市,作为中国四大“科教基地”之一,合肥是全国首个科技创新型试点市。 Hefei is the birthplace of the first DVD player, the first bionic washing machine and the first demonstration network of metro quantum secure communication in the world. It is also the birthplace of the first air conditioner, the first mini vehicle (mini-bus and mini-van), the first microcomputer and the first pure-electric bus line in China... Hefei is a member city of the World Technopolis Association (WTA), one of the four science and education bases in China and the only national sci-tech innovation pilot city. 合肥拥有中科院合肥物质科学研究院等各类研发机构820家。在肥工作的两院院士70人;拥有中国科学技术大学等各类高校60所,在校大学生50余万人,科技人才比例居全国同类城市前列;合肥拥有国家大科学工程5个,是国内除北京以外大科学工程最密集的地区。 Hefei houses 820 research institutes in various categories including Hefei Institutes of Physical Science under Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei is the work place of 70 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering and Hefei is home to USTC and other universities and colleges, 60 in total, with a student population of over 500,000. In terms of percentage of technical personnel in the population, Hefei ranks forefront among all the cities of the same category in China. Hefei undertakes five national key scientific engineering projects and it is the densest area in terms of scientific engineering projects, next only to Beijing. 2013年,合肥国家高新技术企业数达708家,位居全国省会城市第8位。合肥高校院所和企业主持或参与(的项目)获得2013年度国家奖12项,为历年最多,其中获国家自然科学奖一等奖1项,填补了连续三年的空缺。连续8次蝉联全国科技进步先进市。英国《自然》杂志发布,合肥基础科研实力位居全国第三,自主创新起到了重要的“支撑发展”和“引领未来”的作用。 In 2013, there were 708 national high-tech enterprises in Hefei, ranking the city eighth among all the provincial capitals in China. The projects led by or with the participation of Hefei-based institutions of higher-learning, research institutes and enterprises won 12 national awards in 2013, hitting a record high. Among the awards, there was a first prize of the National Natural Science Award, which filled the vacancy that lasted for three consecutive years. Hefei has stood for eight consecutive years as a national advanced city for scientific and technological progress. According to the British science journal Nature, the city ranks third in terms of basic scientific research strength in China and the independent innovation of the city has played an important role in supporting the needs of, and leading the way for the city’s development. “省院合作、市校共建”的中国科大先进技术研究院2013年投用;合肥工业大学智能制造技术研究院又已启动建设,计划4~5年时间建成国内领先、国际一流的新型产业研究院。与此同时,清华大学公共安全研究院、中科院技术创新工程院、安徽北大未名生物经济研究院等一批高端研发平台正在筹建。HT-7U超导托卡马克、全超导托卡马克、国家同步辐射等大批实验室植根合肥,承接稳态强磁场实验装置、托卡马克核聚变实验装置辅助加热系统等一批重大项目;公共安全、新能源汽车等十大战略性新兴产业研究院将相继建成。未来,合肥将布局研发未来网,建设量子保密通信京沪干线总控中心,在美国硅谷设立办事处直接转移国际技术。合肥,正致力于打造“江淮硅谷”,向着“中国硅谷”的奋斗目标迈进,同时依托国内首个科技创新型试点市,计划用5至10年时间基本建成国家创新型城市,打造“中科智城”。 The USTC Institute of Advanced Technology, featuring cooperation between Anhui and CAS and constructed by USTC and Hefei, saw its inauguration in 2013. Another round of construction kicked off for the HFUT Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology that will turn the institute into a domestically leading and internationally first-class one in new industry research. At the same time, a group of high-end R&D platforms are under construction, including the Tsinghua University Institute of Public Safety Research, the CAS Institute of Technology Innovation and Anhui Institute of Beida Weiming Biological Engineering Group Co., Ltd. HT-7U superconducting Tokamak, Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and many national key laboratories have deeply rooted in Hefei. Now the city undertakes a group of key projects such as the experimental facility, for steady high magnetic field and the auxiliary heating system for Tokamak nuclear fusion experimental facility. The constructions of ten R&D institutions for public safety, new energy vehicles and other strategic emerging industries will soon be completed one after another. In addition, Hefei has arranged research and development on Future Network, is constructing a general control center for quantum secure communication system along the main line between Beijing and Shanghai and will launch an office in Silicon Valley in the USA to facilitate international technology transfer to Hefei. At present, Hefei is committed to creating an Anhui “Silicon Valley" and striving to make it a Chinese “Silicon Valley". In the mean time, the city plans, based on the first-ever sci-tech innovation pilot city project in China, to reach the goal of making the city a national innovation city and a sci-tech smart city in China. 合肥不断深化科技、行政管理体制改革,破除了体制束缚,为合肥跨越发展增添后劲,带来新气象,也让“大湖名城、创新高地”的吸引力和辐射效应充分彰显。 Hefei has never stopped its effort in scientific and administrative restructuring. After it broke through the system restraints, it has restored stamina for leaping development. The reform of scientific and administrative systems brings new vitality to the city, making the attractiveness and influential effect of this innovative lake city more outstanding.
实力合肥 一城精彩演绎弯道超越 Hefei,a powerful city, surpassing other cities in fierce development competition 转型升级,结构调整,合肥,正以全新的姿态成为全国区域经济版图上的“新坐标点”。 Transforming, upgrading and restructuring, Hefei becomes a new coordinate point on the national map of regional economies with a complete new look. 35个工业行业、200多个工业门类、2000多种工业大类产品,已深植于合肥工业沃土;汽车、装备制造、家用电器等八大重点产业硕果累累;新型平板显示、太阳能光伏、节能环保、生物、新材料、公共安全、新能源、新能源汽车等战略性新兴产业从无到有,迅速崛起;6代线落户合肥的基础上,京东方8.5代线于2013年底在合肥点亮首屏,这是中国首条氧化物面板生产线;大陆轮胎、联宝千万级笔记本电脑生产基地、联想产业基地等一大批标志性大项目落地生效,迅速集聚,工业结构不断提档升级。 Now the city boasts of 200 sectors in 35 industries, producing more than 2,000 categories of products. The eight pillar industries like automobile, equipment manufacturing and home appliances show fruitful achievements. Strategic emerging industries, such as new flat panel display, solar energy, energy saving, environmental protection, biotechnology, new materials, public safety, new energy and new energy vehicles, rise rapidly from scratch. After the launching of a G-6 panel production line in Hefei, BOE’s G-8.5 line was put into production at the end of 2013, which is the first oxide TFT production line in China. With the move-in and setting up of Continental Tire, LCFC’s 10-million-laptop production base, Lenovo industrial base and a large number of iconic projects, Hefei witnesses a rapid clustering and upgrading of industries. 合肥先后荣膺“中国家电产业基地”、“国家级两化融合试验区”、“国家流通领域现代物流示范城市”、“中国服务外包示范城市”和“国家动漫产业基地”等称号;入选国家现代物流技术应用和共同配送试点城市。 Hefei has won such honors or tiles as China home appliances industry base, national pilot area for integration of IT application and industrialization, national demo city of modern logistics (in distribution field), China service outsourcing demonstration city and national animation industry base. It has been selected as a pilot city for application of modern logistics technology and joint distribution. 合肥,已成为中国最大的家电生产基地、重要的汽车城,努力建成全国重要的战略性新兴产业基地,主要经济指标平均增速连续六年位列全国省会城市前列。 Thanks to the efforts to make the city a nationally important strategic emerging industry base, Hefei is now the largest home appliances production base and an important city for automobile manufacturing in China. The city has been on top list for six consecutive years among all the provincial capitals in China in terms of average growth rate shown by major economic growth indicators. 万达文旅城、华南城项目开工建设,南车、北车先后牵手合肥,合肥巢湖国际帆船俱乐部将扬帆远航,金融后台服务中心、物联网产业园、国家级动漫基地、呼叫中心之都,大批现代服务业项目遍地花开,展望未来,“十二五”期间,合肥将形成26个现代服务业聚集区。 Wanda Cultural Tourism City and Huanancheng Hopsca are under construction, China South Rail Corporation Limited (CSR) and China South Rail Corporation Limited (CNR) come to Hefei for cooperation, and Hefei Chaohu International Yacht Club will soon be in operation. Financial back-office service center, Internet of Things Industry Park, national animation base, combined call center and many other projects in modern service industry have settled in Hefei. Looking to the future, Hefei will have 26 clustering areas of modern services by 2015. 根据美国布鲁金斯学会发布的2012年度《全球都市圈监测报告》,合肥经济圈的人均GDP增速和新增就业率分别位居全球300个都市经济体的第1位和第2位。在央视“全国最具幸福感城市”调查评选中,合肥连续三年跻身前三甲。 According to the edition of the Globe MetroMonitor 2012 released by the Brookings Institution based in the U.S.A., the per capita GDP growth rate and the new employment rate of the Hefei Economic Sphere ranked first and second respectively among 300 urban economies. In the survey and selection of "the happiest cities in China" run by CCTV, Hefei has been listed among the top three for three consecutive years.
投资合肥 共襄盛举,恰逢其时 Hefei, a rewarding city, the right investment destination at the right time 以壮士断腕的决心推动效能革命,合肥,正朝着全国投资发展环境最优的“创业福地”迈进。 Hefei is absolutely determined to promote efficiency revolution and striving to make itself an "entrepreneurial paradise" with the most optimal business environment in China. 合肥市荣获“全国创业先进城市”称号。围绕创建国家级创业型城市,合肥出台了“七大政策”鼓励创业,放宽准入门槛的同时,放宽创业经营场所,合肥积极创建国家级创业城市,以良好的投资创业环境,赢得了创业者的青睐,赢来“创业之都”美誉。 Hefei is recognized as a “National Advanced City for Entrepreneurship”. To earn that recognition, Hefei had introduced seven major policies to encourage entrepreneurship and accelerate the process of making Hefei a national entrepreneurial city. While lowering administrative and regulatory entry barrier for businesses, the city relaxed its restrictions placed on their premises. As Hefei is active in building itself into a national entrepreneurial city, its good investment environment has won the favor of start-ups and won the acclamation for being a good place for business pioneers. 在实施投融资体制、城市建设管理体制、招投标管理体制、行政审批制度等12项改革之后,合肥被冠之以全国审批环节最优、办事效率最高、服务意识最强城市的美誉,先后被评为“全国十大经商成本最低城市”、“浙商投资最佳服务城市”和“跨国公司眼中最具投资价值的中国城市”。 After the implementation of the 12 reforms, such as those governing the investment and financing system, city construction management system, tendering management system as well as administrative review and approval system, Hefei is praised as a city with the most optimal review and approval procedure, the highest efficiency in processing business applications and having the strongest service awareness in China. Hefei has been rated as one of the 10 cities with the lowest business cost in China, regarded as a city with the best services for investment by Zhejiang investors and recognized as the most valuable city in China for Investment by multinationals. 合肥先后荣获“中国投资环境50优城市”、“中国城市整体竞争力和成长竞争力30强”。 在中国社科院《中国城市竞争力蓝皮书》中被列为未来10年“中国最具发展潜力的城市”, 其中合肥的社会公平竞争力指数在全国城市中排在第一位,2012年跻身中国最佳投资城市前三强。 Hefei has made the lists of the top 50 cities for excellent investment environment and the top 30 cities for overall and growth competitiveness in China. In the blue book of the Annual Report on Urban Competitiveness issued by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Hefei was on the list of the cities having the most potential for development in the next decade in China. Among all the indicators, the social fair competition index ranked Hefei atop all the cities in China. In 2012, Hefei was rated among the top three as a best city for investment in China. 2014年,国务院正式批准同意设立合肥综合保税区,这是安徽省首个综合保税区,规划面积2.6平方公里。合肥综合保税区作为安徽省承接产业转移的重要平台,再为合肥招商引资增添一块"金字招牌",并为促进安徽省加快开放型经济发展产生积极效应。 In 2014, the State Council officially approved the establishment of the Hefei Comprehensive Bonded Zone, the first ever in Anhui with a planned area of 2.6 square kilometers. As an important platform in Anhui for undertaking industry transfer, this bonded zone adds another "gilded signboard" for inbound investment to the city and, it will bring about a positive effect for the speedy development of the open economy in the province.
开放合肥 胸纳四海广交全球朋友 Hefei, an open city, longing to make friends all over the world 开明开放,求是创新——这是合肥的城市精神。 Being open, inclusive, true to facts, and innovative is the city spirit of Hefei. 合肥,正以拥抱世界的胸怀和兼容并蓄的魅力,喜迎八方宾朋。合肥与日本久留米、美国哥伦布、英国贝尔法斯特等12个市结为友好城市或友好合作关系城市,同180多个国家(地区)建立经贸往来,麦德龙、江森自控、三洋、三菱商事、联合利华、ABB、可口可乐、家乐福、伟世通、大陆轮胎、住友化学、法液空、沃尔玛、乐购、丸红等35家境外世界500强企业在合肥投资兴业,进出口总额在全国省会城市名列前茅。 Having the whole world in its view, the city welcomes friends from all over the world with its attitude of inclusiveness. Hefei has established sister-city or partner-city relationship with twelve foreign cities such as Kurume in Japan, Columbus in the United States and Belfast in the United Kingdom, and has establish trade relations with more than 180 countries and regions. In total 35 Fortune Global 500 companies have invested and launched business in Hefei, including Metro, Johnson Controls, Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Unilever, ABB, Coca-Cola, Carrefour, Visteon, Continental Tire, Sumitomo Chemical, Air Liquide, Wal-Mart, Tesco and Marubeni. Hefei ranks forefront among all the provincial capitals in China in terms of total volume of foreign trade. 合肥——大湖名城,创新高地。 Hefei – a lake city and innovation high ground in the making. 美丽合肥,在憧憬中放飞理想、励志前行,围绕在全省率先全面建成小康社会这一目标,先行先试、开拓创新、锐意进取,加快打造“大湖名城、创新高地”, 开拓进取,实现“1331”空间战略规划,奋力谱写“中国梦”的合肥篇章。 The beautiful Hefei is forging ahead with its lofty ideals. To be the first in the province to become a moderately prosperous society in all respects, Hefei has led the way in policy experiments and innovations, and pushed aggressively toward building a great city of lake also known as an innovation-oriented high ground. It is striving forward to fulfill the "1331" strategic development plan, and along the way, gallantly fill in the Hefei chapter of the China Dream. 近年来,合肥各项事业蓬勃开展,多项主要指标在中部省会城市中名列第一,在现代化滨湖大城市的发展基础之上,合肥正按照“科学发展新跨越,主要指标进十强”的要求,激情满怀地书写现代化新兴中心城市新篇章,朝着在全国有较大影响力的区域性特大城市的方向筑造梦想。 In recent years, Hefei has developed vigorously in all aspects and ranks atop other provincial capitals in the central region of China in growth rate indicated by quiet a few major economic indexes. On the basis of developing a lakeside modern megacity and in accordance with the missions for making leapfrog development with scientific outlook and becoming a top 10 city measured by major economic growth indexes, Hefei is now writing a new chapter for the modern emerging central city with full passion. Now Hefei is stepping up its efforts to make the city a super-large regional metropolis with important influence in China. 合肥——投资者的宝地! Hefei – a rewarding land for investors! 合肥——创业者的乐土! Hefei – a blessed land for entrepreneurs! 合肥——梦想家的乐园! Hefei – a wonderland for visionaries! 在合肥,您选择的是和一个美丽的淡水湖一起诗意的栖居。 In Hefei, what you have chosen is a poetic living environment with a beautiful fresh water lake. 在合肥,您选择的是和761万温润包容的市民一起惬意的生活。 In Hefei, what you have chosen is a cozy life with nearly 8 million friendly neighbors. 在合肥,您选择的是和一座实力之城、智慧之城、生态之城、创业之城、幸福之城,和一座阔步迈向“中国最美丽省会城市”的魅力之城,一起享受梦想成真的快乐。 In Hefei, what you have chosen is to share the excitement of realizing your dream with a powerful, intelligent, eco-friendly, entrepreneurial, happy and charming city that is moving forward to becoming the most beautiful provincial capital in China.
合肥市先后荣膺 Honors to the City: 国家创新型试点城市 National Innovation Pilot City 全国首个也是唯一一个科技创新型试点市 Scientific and Technological Innovation Pilot City, the first and the only one in China 全国首个节约集约用地试点市 Pilot City in Optimal and Intensive Land Use, the first one in China 世界科技城市联盟(WTA)会员城市 Member City, the World Technopolis Association (WTA) 中国服务外包示范城市 China Service Outsourcing Demo City 国家动漫产业基地 National Animation Industry Base 国家级汽车及零部件出口基地城市 National Automobile and Auto Parts Export Base City 全国十大经商成本最低城市 One of the Top 10 Cities with Lowest Business Cost 跨国公司眼中最具投资价值的中国城市 A Most Valuable City for Investment in China Acknowledged by Multinationals 全球经济增长最快20强城市 One of the Top 20 Cities Fastest in Economic Growth in the World 《经济学人》杂志:全球人均GDP增速第一城市 Rated as the first city in per capita GDP growth in the world by the Economist 《自然》杂志:基础科研实力中国前三城市 One of the Top 3 Chinese Cities in Basic Scientific Research Strength evaluated by UK-based Nature 全国专利工作试点城市 National Patent-related Work Pilot City 全国城市信息化试点城市 National Urban Informatization Pilot City 国家知识产权示范城市创建市 National Construction Demo City for IPR Protection 全国精神文明城市工作先进城市 National Model City in Cultural and Ideological Progress 连续九年获全国社会治安综合治理“长安杯” Winner of the National Changan Cup for public security comprehensive management for nine consecutive years 全国首批园林城市 One of the first national garden cities 全国优秀生态旅游城市 National Excellent Ecological Tourism City 全国十大最具投资潜力城市 One of the Top 10 Cities in Inbound Investment Potential in China 全国社会管理创新综合试点市 National Pilot City for Social Management Innovation 中国十佳宜居城市 One of the Top 10 Livable Cities in China 中国十大美丽城市 One of the Top 10 Beautiful Cities in China 中国十大最具幸福感城市 One of the Top 10 Happy Cities in China 国家级信息化和工业化融合试验区 National Pilot Area for Integration of IT Application and Industrialization 电子信息国家高技术产业基地 National Electronic Information High-tech Industry Base 国家股权激励政策试验示范区 National Demo Area for Trial Implementation of Equity Incentive Policy 国家新型工业化产业示范基地 National Industry Demo Base for New Industrialization 国家电子商务示范基地 National E-commerce Demo Base 国家文化和科技融合示范基地 National Demo Base for Integration of Cultural Undertakings and Technology 国家级森林公园(大蜀山) National Forest Park (Mt. Dashu) 国家级森林公园(滨湖湿地森林公园) National Forest Park (Binhu Forest Park) 国家知识产权示范市 National Demo City for IPR Protection 国家科技和金融结合试点 National Pilot Unit for Combination of Sci-tech and Finance Entities 全国“智慧城市”试点示范城市 National ‘Smart City’ Pilot Demo City “绿色中国?2014环保成就奖” "Green China Environmental Achievement 2014 Award"